- 1. Define Five-minute rule ?
It is a
rule of thumb for deciding whether a data item should be kept in memory, or
stored on disk and read back into memory when required. The rule is “randomly
accessed disk pages of cache are re-used every 5 minutes”.
- 2. Define multi-core CPU ?
CPU’s on one chip or in one package is called multi-core CPU.
- 3. Define Stall ?
for data to be loaded from main memory into the CPU cache is called as Stall.
- 4. What is SAP In-Memory Appliance (SAP HANA) ?
HANA is an
in-memory technique to store data that is particularly suited for handling very
large amounts of tabular, or relational, data with extra ordinary performance.
Common databases store tabular data row-wise. Reorganizing the data in memory
column-wise brings a tremendous speed increase when accessing a subset of the
data in each table row.
- 5. What are the components or products of HANA ?
contains the following components.
2. SAP
3. SAP
5. SAP
HANA client package for MS excel
6. SAP
HANA UI for Information Access (INA)
7. SAP
Software Update Manager for SAP HANA
Replication Add On
10. SAP LT
Replication Server
11. SAP
HANA Direct Extractor Connection (DXC)
12. SAP
Data Services 4.0
- 6. What are the different editions available in HANA appliance software ?
edition is intended for customers who want to use ETL-based replication and
already have a license for SAP BO Data Services.
edition is intended for customers who want to use either trigger-based
replication or ETL-based replication and do not already have all of the
necessary licenses for SAP BO Data Services.
- 7. What is columnar and Row-Based Data Storage ?
A database
table contains data in the form of rows and columns. However Computer memory is
organized as a linear structure. To store a table in linear memory, there are
two options. A row-based storage stores a table as a sequence of records, each
of which contains the fields of one row. In a columnar storage the
entries of a column are stored in contiguous memory locations. The SAP HANA
database allows specifying whether a table is to be stored column-wise or
row-wise. It is also possible to alter an existing table from columnar to
row-based and vice versa. Search operations in tabular data can be accelerated
by organizing data in columns instead in rows.
- 8. What are the advantages of Column based tables ?
advantages of column based tables are:
- Calculations are typically executed on single or a few columns only.
- The table is searched based on values of a few columns.
- The table has a large number of columns.
- The table has a large number of rows and columnar operations are required (aggregate, scan, etc.).
- High compression rates can be achieved because the majority of the columns contain only few distinct values (compared to number of rows).
- 9. What are the advantages of Row-based tables ?
advantages of Row based tables are:
- The application needs to only process a single record at one time (many selects and/or updates of single records).
- The application typically needs to access a complete record (or row).
- The columns contain mainly distinct values so that the compression rate would be low.
- Neither aggregations nor fast searching are required.
- The table has a small number of rows (e. g. configuration tables).
- 10. Which case the data to be stored in columnar storage ?
To enable
fast on-the-fly aggregations, ad-hoc reporting, and to benefit from compression
mechanisms it is recommended that transaction data to be stored in a
column-based table.
- 11. What is paralelization ?
storage makes it easy to execute operations in parallel using multiple
processor cores. In a column store data is already vertically partitioned means
that operations on different columns can easily be processed in parallel. If
multiple columns need to be searched or aggregated, each of these operations
can be assigned to a different processor core. In addition operations on one
column can be parallelized by partitioning the column into multiple sections
that can be processed by different processor cores
- 12. What are the different Compression Techniques ?
compression techniques are:
Run-length encoding
2. Cluster
Dictionary encoding
- 13. Why materialized aggregates are not required ?
With a
scanning speed of several gigabytes per millisecond, in-memory column stores,
make it possible to calculate aggregates on large amounts of data on the fly
with high performance. This is expected to eliminate the need for materialized
aggregates in many cases.
- 14. What are the advantages of Eliminating materialized aggregates ?
advantages are:
- Simplified data model
- Simplified application logic
- Higher level of concurrency and With the fly Aggregation we have aggregated values up to date
- 15. What are the different types of replication techniques ?
replication techniques are:
1. ETL
based replication using BODS
2. Trigger
based replication using SLT
Extractor based data acquisition using DXC
- 16. Define SLT ?
SLT stands
for SAP Landscape Transformation which is a trigger based replication. SLT
replication server is the replication technology to pass data from source
system to the target system. The source can be either SAP or non-SAP. Target
system is SAP HANA system which contains HANA database.
- 17. What is Configuration in SLT ?
information to create the connection between the source system, SLT system, and
the SAP HANA system is specified within the SLT system as a Configuration. You
can define a new configuration in Configuration & Monitoring Dashboard
(transaction LTR).
- 18. What is Configuration and Monitoring Dashboard ?
It is an
application that runs on SLT replication server to specify configuration
information (such as source system, target system, and relevant connections) so
that data can be replicated. It can also use it to monitor the replication
status (transaction LTR).
Yellow: It may occur due to triggers which are not yet created successfully.
Red: It may occur if master job is aborted (manually in transaction SM37).
- 19. What is advanced replication settings ?
transaction that runs on SLT replication server to specify advanced replication
settings like
- Modifying target table structures,
- Specifying performance optimization settings
- Define transformation rules
- 20. Define Latency ?
It is the
length of time to replicate data (a table entry) from the source system to the
target system.
- 21. Define logging table ?
A table in
the source system that records any changes to a table that is being replicated.
This ensures that SLT replication server can replicate these changes to the
target system.
- 22. What are Transformation rules ?
A rule
specified in the Advanced Replication settings transaction for source tables
such that data is transformed during the replication process. Example you can
specify rule to
- Convert fields
- Fill empty fields
- Skip records
- 23. When to change the number of Data Transfer job ?
If the
speed of the initial load/replication latency time is not satisfactory If SLT
replication server has more resources than initially available, we can increase
the number of data transfer and/or initial load jobs. After the completion of
the initial load, we may want to reduce the number of initial load jobs.
- 24. What are the jobs involved in replication process ?
replication process is consist following jobs:
1. Master
2. Master
Controlling Job (IUUC_REPLIC_CNTR_)
3. Data
Load Job (DTL_MT_DATA_LOAD__<2digits>)
Migration Object Definition Job (IUUC_DEF_MIG_OBJ_<2digits>)
5. Access
Plan Calculation Job (ACC_PLAN_CALC__<2digits>)
- 25. When to go for table partitioning ?
If the
table size in HANA database exceeds 2 billion records, split the table by using
portioning features by using “Advanced replication settings” (transaction
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